By offering PassFee Processing, you can save up to 95% of your merchant fees.
With PassFee, we provide you with a legal way to pass your credit card fees to your customers. This will give your customer the option to pay by cash, check or debit card, with no additional fee to them.
Our system will automatically add the surcharge to the transaction
It will automatically determine if the card being tendered is a debit card, thus by-passing the surcharge in accordance to regulations
We will make sure that the option you pick is in accordance with your state law
Under PassFee, we offer two options depending on the laws of your state.
Option 1 – Cash Discount
Commonly seen at most gas stations, the cash and debit card price and the credit card price must be listed separately.
Option 2 – Surcharging
This option requires you to post the surcharge amount at the point of entry and point of sale. Registration with both MasterCard and Visa are required. Debit cards are excluded from surcharging.
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